Autumn 2020

Newsletter #3 (28/09/2020; including 'Letters to the Editors: "Within Landscapes"')

Spring 2020 (First Publications)

A Brief Introduction to the Lye Artefacts

On the Controversy Surrounding the Naming of the Lye Planet

Wolf's Head

Diagrams of a Process: An Initial Study

Unwritten Virtues: A Musical and Textual Commentary on Song of the Husband (featuring a full translation of the lyrics)

'I Become a Figure': Traces of an Emergent Voice from the Lower Wetlands

Recurrent Motifs: The Huddling Figures

Grave Forecasts

Some Propositions Following the Translation of the Moorland Diary

Additional research: Samuel Dunnett, Alkmini Gousiari, Holly Muir, John Stephens, Atalanta Xanthe


Newsletter #1 (05/05/2020; including 'A Brief History of Lye Epidemics')

Newsletter #2 (17/05/2020; including 'Notes on the Living Language Organism')